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Our services are based on best practices derived and are benchmarked on a continuous basis. Our best practices and methodologies are well documented ensuring a consistently high quality of solutions and services irrespective of the resource delivering it. Our technical skills, project management expertise and best practices make us the preferred partner for executing short and long-term projects.


Network Information technology has become the key enabler in organization. Mapping the right information technology strategy and ensuring a zero-defect implementation lends competitive advance Customers to your organization. We help organization meet these challenges with a comprehensive range of professional services.

We examine how changing business needs will affect technology requirements and assist you in planning your information technology strategy, designing your network and assessing the systems and application necessary to meet your business needs. We help in acquiring the requisite hardware and software and integrating them into your existing environments. We further educate customers to maximize the utilization of information technology assets deployed in their organizations.

We offer an array of services to help you arrive at optimal, cost effective information technology solutions. Our portfolio covers hardware, software, and network management, training deployment and upgrade strategies. We can also undertake assignments, which take care of critical business problems like security, disaster, recovery, and network response or migration issues.


Services Offered Our facilities management services help in developing flexible information technology solutions for your organization, while ensuring time bound execution and implementation. We greatly reduce the costs of technology acquisition and support, and strive to deliver the highest quality in the systems support business.

The time spent by an information technology manager in managing and executing mundane activities like maintenance of hardware, software, networks, and deployment of information technology strategies, can be better utilized by trying to understand business issues critical to successful implementations of new systems. We provide assistance in planning a solution, determining the hardware and software required, configuring the hardware and software to a customer’s specifications, rolling out the solutions across the country and providing maintenance and support of the technology following the roll out. The service deliverables are designed to cover all the day to day requirement of any IT Setup in order to run the infrastructure to maximize the benefits.



A detailed implementation plan will be submitted once agreement is reached with respect to all other aspects of service deliverables and the service levels are defined.

The implementation will follow the following steps:

Customer Order Contract

Assessment of Customer Documentation and creation of asset list.

Assessment of Priorities. to deliverables & Also understand scope of current service delivery

SANBAY Takes responsibility to extend all services

First Review


The reviews would essentially involve the following things.

  • Review of implementation status.
  • Review of user satisfaction
  • Review of any outstanding issues.
  • Action plan to handle any planned or expected events related to IT

The reviews are recommended to follow the following pattern.

Type Periodicity Contents
With IT Coordinator Fortnightly  in the first month Review of Status Reports
Issues & Concerns
Monthly  subsequently Action Plan
Performance vis-à-vis agreed service levels
With Senior Management Twice in first quarter Review of Reports vis-à-vis defined service levels.
Future plan of action
Quarterly thereafter Any changes planned